How are you meals catered for?

We have a weekly menu in place with all meals well cooked, nutritious, and balanced for our residents well being.

How do you select your staff?

Our esteemed team are certified, compassionate, and provides quality care. We screen each staff and perform thorough background checks to make sure they have required qualifications that meets our standards. Amazing Samar provides you with the best staff that are competent, provides quality and individualized care in a timely manner to your loved ones.

What is Individualized Centered Care?

We value each resident individually and strive to provide to their needs accordingly. Our mission is to cater for each individual needs, care, and goals. Our team fosters senior independence in a warm, amicable, and home setting environment with 24/7 quality individualized care.

Do you provide Specialized Care?

Yes, at our home we provide quality individualized centered care that meets all your special needs. Our esteemed and certified caregivers have vast experience in specialty care such as elderly care, mental & physical challenges, dementia, Alzheimer's, Parkinsons, Stroke, hospice care and more.
We strive each day to set quality standard of care for our residents.

What Happens When there is Changes in Care?

If your loved one's health needs changes due to various level of care; our steemed staff are available 24/7. Monitoring and documentation is done on daily basis; hence a new assessment and Care Plan will be established. This is to ensure high quality standard of care is provided while resident's safety and wellness is considered.

Does your Staff assist with Recreational Activities?

Yes, at Amazing Samar we provide variety of activities tailored to meet the needs of each resident. Our choices of activities are individualized centered for fun, entertainment, and wellness.